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Stanley Jere


            Dr. Stanley Jere      

Qualifications: BSc. Ed, University of Zambia, 2004

                          MSc (Mathematical Modeling), University of Dar es Salaam, 2011

                          PhD in Mathematics, University of Botswana, 2022

Specialization: Mathematics/Statistics

Research interests:

                      1. Recent trends in optimization and control

                      2. Stochastic control problems in Mathematics of finance. 

                     3. Derivatives pricing and valuation.

                     4. Statistics - Time series modeling and forecasting, multivariate analysis and Bayesian inference


Publications 1. Jere, S., Offen, E.R. and Basmanebothe, O. (2022) Optimal investment and consumption problem with stochastic environments. Journal of Mathematical Finance, 12, 607-628.

2. Jere, S., Offen, E.R. and Basmanebothe, O. (2022) Optimal investment, consumption and life insurance problem with stochastic environments. Journal of Mathematics Research; Vol. 14, No. 4; 

3. Jere, S., Mukupa, G. and Moyo, E. (2022) Portfolio management problem with stochastic wage income and inflation-adjusted wealth. Journal of Mathematical Finance;  Vol.13 No.2  10.4236/jmf.2023.132010 

4. Jere, S. and Offen, E.R. (2022) Optimal investment, consumption and life insurance problem with labour income and jump-diffusion model. Journal of Mathematics Research; Vol. 16, No. 4;

5. Jere, S., Banda, A., Chilyabanyama, R. and Moyo, E. (2019) Modelling consumer price index in Zambia: a comparative study between multi-cointegration and ARIMA approach. Open Journal of Statistics, 9, 245-257.

6. Jere, S. and Moyo, E. (2016) Modelling epidemiological data using box-jenkins procedure. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 295-302.

7. Jere, S. and Siyanga, M. (2016) Forecasting inflation rate of Zambia using holt’s exponential smoothing. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 363-372.

8. Jere, S. and Siluyele, I. (2016) USING BOX-JENKINS MODELS TO FORECAST MOBILE CELLULAR SUBSCRIPTION. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 303-309.

9. Jere, S., Kasense, B. and Chilyabanyama, O. (2017) Forecasting foreign direct investment to Zambia: a time series analysis. Open Journal of Statistics, 7, 122-131. 

10. Jere, S., Kasense, B. and Bwalya, B.B. (2017) Univariate time-series analysis of second-hand car importation in zambia. Open Journal of Statistics, 7, 718-730.

11. Bupe B. Bwalya, Stanley Jere, Andrew Banda, Patrick Amanzi and Peter Funsani (2015) Can HIV/AIDS be fought by targeting youths in Zambia? Analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior among youths aged 15 – 24 years. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health - 2015, Volume 12, Number 4.

12. Hamakala, D., Chishimba ,C.K,  and Jere, S, (2017) The comparative review of cost of living between Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces business models for economic growth-The International Journal of Multi-Discipliary Research: ISSN:3471-7102. (Paper ID:CFP/139/2017)

13. Hamakala, D., Kasumo ,C. and Jere, S, (2017) Analysis of implicit trust between the insurer and the insured-a case study of Zambia state insurance corporation (ZSIC)- The International Journal of Multi-Discipliary Research: ISSN:3471-7102. (Paper ID:CFP/141/2017)

14. Jere, S., Banda, A., Kasense, B., Siluyele, I. and Moyo, E. (2019) Forecasting annual international tourist arrivals in Zambia using holt-winters exponential smoothing. Open Journal of Statistics, 9, 258-267.





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