Stata is one of the many statistical softwares used for managing and analyzing quantitative data.
It mostly consist of advanced analytical functions among them being time basic data analysis, series analysis,
and survival analysis and forecasting. Given the aforementioned, practioners and students whose interest involve
having further interrogation of data to make decisions may find this software to be very hand. Specifically this
short course is aimed at researchers and students whose interest is to enhance the statistical analysis skills in
an easier and accurate manner.
STATA: Statistical software for data science
Course Details
It mostly consist of advanced analytical functions among them being time basic data analysis, series analysis,
and survival analysis and forecasting. Given the aforementioned, practioners and students whose interest involve
having further interrogation of data to make decisions may find this software to be very hand.
Specifically this short course is aimed at researchers and students whose interest is to enhance the statistical
analysis skills in an easier and accurate manner.
Course CodeFees
The course fees are K3,000 for both Students and non-students and the fees are due before the start of classesLocation
Cell No: 0971507759 & Email: jmulenga@mu.ac.zmDates
2nd May - 13 May,2022 Week Days OnlyAim
At the end of the program Learners should be able to:
1.Conduct data analysis using Stata
2.Perform both basic and complex data management activities using Stata software
3.Generate both descriptive and inferential statistics
Entry requirements
You will need a working computer that has Stata software installed already.
Expected prior knowledge
Must have competency in basic computer knowledge especially Microsoft office.
- Power point presentations by facilitators from Academia and Those Practicing in both Public and Private Sector
- Class Exercises
- Group Work
- Two Tests and One Final Exam
Course Content
• What is Stata and
• Why learn Stata
• Opening Stata and Closing Stata
• Stata User Interface
• About Stata and Stata Sources
• Sources of Help and Stata Viewer
Knowing Stata Variables
• Listing and Describing Data
• Naming and Labelling a Dataset
• Working with subsets of data using the in, if and by commands
• The drop, keep and clear commands
• Introduction to Stata Operands
Importing and combining datasets
• Importing data from other programmes
• Combining two or more datasets
• Generating and replacing variables
• Keeping a record of your work using logs and do files
Statistical tests using Stata
• One-sample test of means
• Two samples test of group means
• One-sample test of proportion
• Two-sample test of proportion
• Paired Samples T Test
• Repeated measures T Test
Descriptive Statistics
• Measures of central tendency (mean, mode and median)
• Measures of variability/Dispersion
• Cross-tabulations; Chi-square tests; Pearson’s and Spearman’s-Order Correlation
Analysis of Variance
• Introduction to ANOVA
• One way ANOVA
• Two way ANOVA
Regression Analysis
• Linear Regression
• Multiple Regression
o Binary regression
o Multinomial Regression
Time Series Analysis using Stata
• Introduction to time series analysis using stata
• Plotting a time series
• Seasonal differences
• Auto correlations
• Forecast models in Stata
Course coordinator: Mr. Bwalya Bupe Bwalya
Lesson Schedule
Teaching Methods
Timing and schedules
Assessment Method
- For participants to be awarded a certificate of attendance, they should attend at least 90% of the classes and should get at least 60% of the two tests and exam; and 70% in the final exam to be submitted in soft copy during the last day of their class.
- Anything short of the aforementioned, a student will be required to repeat the failed assessment paper.